Apache Beam vs Apache Spark

January 10, 2022

Apache Beam vs Apache Spark

Are you trying to decide which data processing engine to use for your cloud deployment? Apache Beam and Apache Spark are two popular choices, but what are the differences between them? In this blog post, we will compare Apache Beam and Apache Spark to help you choose the one that fits your needs best.

What is Apache Beam?

Apache Beam is an open-source, unified programming model for batch and streaming data processing. It allows you to write data processing pipelines that can run on multiple execution engines such as Apache Flink, Apache Spark, and Google Cloud Dataflow. The goal of Apache Beam is to provide a simple and efficient way to define data processing tasks, regardless of the execution engine.

What is Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is another open-source data processing engine that can be used for batch and streaming processing. Spark's main advantage is its speed - it can process data much faster than many other data processing frameworks. Spark comes with a wide range of libraries such as Spark MLlib and Spark SQL, which make it easy to build machine learning models and perform data analytics.


Apache Beam and Apache Spark have different architectures. Apache Spark uses a master-slave architecture with a central node (master) and multiple worker nodes (slaves). The master node coordinates the tasks and the workers perform the actual work. Apache Beam, on the other hand, has a pluggable execution model where you can use different execution engines such as Flink, Spark, and Dataflow. This means that you can deploy Beam pipelines on multiple execution engines without having to rewrite the code.

Language Support

Apache Spark supports more programming languages than Apache Beam. Spark can be used with Java, Scala, Python, and R. Beam, on the other hand, supports Java, Python, Go, and Ruby. If you prefer to write code in a language that is not supported by Beam, Spark might be a better choice.


When it comes to performance, Apache Spark is faster than Apache Beam in most cases. Spark uses an in-memory computing model, which allows it to process data much faster than Beam's model, which relies heavily on disk I/O. However, it's worth noting that Beam's pluggable execution model allows you to choose an execution engine that fits your needs best. If performance is your top priority, you might want to consider using Spark instead of Beam.


So, which one should you choose? The answer depends on your specific use case. If you need to process data quickly and efficiently, Apache Spark might be the way to go. However, if you prefer a unified programming model that can work with multiple execution engines and programming languages, Apache Beam might be a better choice. Ultimately, the decision is up to you.


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